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TCL for Class-based QoS MIB indexes
TCL for Class-based QoS MIB indexes
Class-based QoS MIB is a very complex data structure with numerous cross-indexes, making it very hard to find the exact SNMP variable that should be monitored with an EEM applet (for example, the bit rate of one class on a specific interface).
This script traverses the Class-based QoS MIB and displays service policies and classes attached to individual interfaces. The policy index and class index values are printed next to the policy/class name to help the operator fetch the desired SNMP variable from the statistics tables of the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB.
Contents |
- Download the source file into flash:cbindex.tcl
- Configure alias exec cbindex tclsh flash:cbindex.tcl
- Configure persistent CBQoS indexes with the snmp mib persist cbqos (otherwise the indexes will change after the router reload).
Usage guidelines
Usage: cbindex community
Command line parameters:
- Community: SNMP community with R/O access to the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB
Ivan Pepelnjak, © 2008 NIL Data Communications
Source code
# # Copyright (c) 2008 NIL Data Communications # All rights reserved. # # by: Ivan Pepelnjak, NIL Data Communications # title: Displays MQC class map indexes # name: cbindex.tcl # desc: The script traverses the Class-based QoS MIB and displays service policies and classes # attached to individual interfaces. The policy index and class index values are printed # next to the policy/class name to help the operator fetch the desired SNMP variable from # the statistics tables of the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB. # # ios config: # # * download the file into flash:cbindex.tcl # * configure alias exec cbindex tclsh flash:cbindex.tcl # # invoke with cbfindex [community] # # unless specified otherwise, the "public" community is used # proc snmpInit { oid } { global snmpCommunity set getResult [ snmp_getnext $snmpCommunity $oid ] if { [ regexp {snmp error} $getResult ] } { puts "SNMP calls with community $snmpCommunity fail"; return 0 } if { [ regexp {oid='(.*)'} $getResult ignore nxtoid ] } { if { [string first $oid $nxtoid] == 0 } { return 1 } } puts "MIB $oid not implemented in this IOS release"; return 0; } proc snmpGet { oid result } { global snmpCommunity upvar $result r if { [info exists r] } { unset r } set getResult [ snmp_getone $snmpCommunity $oid ] if { [ regexp {snmp error.*text='(.*)'} $getResult ignore errtxt ] } { error "snmpGet - $errtxt"; return 0 } if { [ regexp {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $getResult ignore oid result ] } { if { ! [ string equal $result "NO_SUCH_INSTANCE_EXCEPTION" ] } { set r(OID) $oid ; set r(VALUE) $result ; return 1; } } return 0; } proc snmpGetNext { oid result } { global snmpCommunity upvar $result r if { [info exists r] } { unset r } set getResult [ snmp_getnext $snmpCommunity $oid ] if { [ regexp {snmp error.*text='(.*)'} $getResult ignore errtxt ] } { error "snmpGet - $errtxt"; return 0 } if { [ regexp {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $getResult ignore oid result ] } { if { ! [ string equal $result "NO_SUCH_INSTANCE_EXCEPTION" ] } { set r(OID) $oid ; set r(VALUE) $result ; set oidSplit [ split $oid "." ] set r(NAME) [ lindex $oidSplit 0 ] set r(INDEX) [ lreplace $oidSplit 0 0 ] set r(IDXLIST) [ join $r(INDEX) "." ] return 1; } } return 0; } proc snmpGetInTable { oid result { parentoid "" }} { global snmpCommunity upvar $result r snmpGetNext $oid r if { ! [info exists r(OID)] } { return 0 } if { [string equal $parentoid ""] } { set oidSplit [ split $oid "." ] set parentoid [lindex $oidSplit 0] } if { [string first $parentoid $r(OID)] != 0 } { return 0 } return 1; } proc printQosClassIndex {} { global snmpCommunity set oid "cbQosIfIndex" array set dirLookup { 1 in 2 out } set cnt 0 while { [ snmpGetInTable $oid svcPolicy ] } { if { [snmpGet "ifDescr.$svcPolicy(VALUE)" ifDescr] } { snmpGet "cbQosPolicyDirection.$svcPolicy(INDEX)" svcDirection snmpGetNext "cbQosConfigIndex.$svcPolicy(INDEX)" policyObject snmpGet "cbQosPolicyMapName.$policyObject(VALUE)" policyName puts "\n$ifDescr(VALUE) ($dirLookup($svcDirection(VALUE))): $policyName(VALUE) ($svcPolicy(INDEX))" set coid "cbQosObjectsType.$svcPolicy(INDEX)" set parentoid $coid while { [ snmpGetInTable $coid svcClass $parentoid ] } { if { $svcClass(VALUE) == 2 } { snmpGet "cbQosConfigIndex.$svcClass(IDXLIST)" svcClassConfig snmpGet "cbQosCMName.$svcClassConfig(VALUE)" svcClassName puts " $svcClassName(VALUE) $svcClass(IDXLIST)" } set coid $svcClass(OID) } } else { error "Cannot get interface name for service policy $svcPolicy(VALUE)" } set oid $svcPolicy(OID) } } set snmpCommunity [lindex $argv 0] if { [string equal $snmpCommunity ""] } { set snmpCommunity "public" } if { ! [ snmpInit "cbQosObjectsType" ] } return printQosClassIndex
Sample usage scenario
The following QoS classes and policies have been configured on the router:
class-map match-all Mail match protocol smtp ! class-map match-all Web match protocol http ! class-map match-all SecureWeb match protocol secure-http ! class-map match-any Surfing match class-map Web match class-map SecureWeb ! class-map match-all Files match protocol ftp ! policy-map Internet class Web bandwidth 128 class SecureWeb priority 64 class Mail bandwidth 32 ! policy-map MailOrFtp class Mail set ip precedence 0 class Files set ip precedence 0 class Surfing police 16000 class class-default police cir 8000 exceed-action drop ! interface Serial1/0 service-policy input MailOrFtp service-policy output Internet ! interface Serial1/1 service-policy output MailOrFtp
The cbindex script reported the following SNMP indexes:
c7200#cbindex Test Serial1/0 (in): MailOrFtp (48) Web 48.383777 Surfing 48.1970017 Mail 48.4297921 Files 48.13110129 class-default 48.14779377 SecureWeb 48.15077857 Serial1/0 (out): Internet (50) Mail 50.10516033 Web 50.14007809 SecureWeb 50.14520625 class-default 50.15008753 Serial1/1 (out): MailOrFtp (66) Web 66.383777 Surfing 66.1584993 Files 66.4236097 Mail 66.11615889 SecureWeb 66.15077857 class-default 66.15082481
Based on these indexes, you could monitor the bit rate of the Web class in outbound policy configured on Serial 1/1 with SNMP variablecbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate.66.383777.
Original Post# http://wiki.nil.com/Class-based_QoS_MIB_indexes
c7200#tclsh c7200(tcl)#snmp_getone Test cbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate.66.383777 {<obj oid='cbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate.66.383777' val='0'/>}